Friday, February 29, 2008

Heineken Light

These are absolutely delicious. I know a light beer, are you mad?!?! Neel bought these a while back ago on a whim, cause they were most likely on sale, but they ended up being a such a winner that these are the only beers I will drink to help with my waistline. Unbelievably smooth, crispy and refreshing, you can down a six pack and not worry about being bloated. While regular Heinekens are a good beer, I can't drink too many due to the bitterness that develops, these Lights are the exception. Everything about it from the bottling to the advertisements say excellent beer, I don't know what took them so long to release them. Now if anybody knows how a human can easily drink 6 beers in half an hour but have trouble drinking the same amount of water in the same amount of time? Truly perplexing.

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