Thursday, February 21, 2008


This might have been the 3rd of 4th Washington State wine i've had in the last few months and I have to say I am liking them. Granted they won't be in your face like a Napa cabernet but what they lack in full frontal assault on the palate, they more than make up for it in the smoothness department.

I picked up the 2004 Snoqualmie Rosebud Vineyards Cabernet for $9.99 and it was delicious. I honestly don't know the correct terms to use when describing wines and what I taste, so more often than not I probably sound like a drunken heathen. Besides telling you that a wine is well balanced, fruity, sweet, with bite or without bite and delicious or crap, I have nothing to offer you in terms of tannins, aromas or anything else. So until that refinement period comes, I hope you'll make due with my often lame descriptions. Ha!

I'm looking forward to some more wines from the Pacific Northwest, until then drink on.

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