Monday, February 4, 2008

Cameron Hughes Vindicated!

Seriously, I was beginning to lose faith in CH Wines especially after the whole Lot 34, 35 & 36 debacle. Those 3 bottles tasted like absolute ass, one of them was so bad that it was thrown out after a few glasses were poured, and if you know us, WE DO NOT WASTE WINE, from malbecs to Mad Dog's, no wine goes undrunk! No wine left behind.

Thank god for Lot 44, a 2005 Rutherford Cabernet for $12.99 at a very select number of Costco's. I actually found mine while in San Francisco. Anyways, the wine drank pretty well. Took a good half hour before it opened up, the tasting notes say it was medium to full bodied but I found it more along the lines of a light to medium body with a lot of fruit and balance but left me a bit hollow. A solid bottle to try if you see it but not worth going out of your way to find it unlike lot 28 which was pretty awesome.

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