Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Stuff of Legends

2004 Ridge Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet - This was really good. I mean really really good. Very well balanced. Priced at roughly $30, this could be in regular rotation for sure. Some call it a baby Monte Bello and at the price, compares very favorably to other wines more expensive. Neel wasn't as a big fan as i was/am, I'd rank this right along with my other favorite, the Ridgeline Cabernet.

2004 Gundlach Bundschu Mountain Cuvee - Mainly merlot based, I have no idea what a cuvee is but it was in the cabernet secction so i'm assuming it's like a red table wine. Either way it was a great second rounder, developing a myriad of flavors. Yes, I said a myriad. It changed up a lot during the course of drinking it. How pretentious is that.

2004 Merryvale Starmont Cabernet - Smooth and delicious. Easily found at Costco for $18.99, a very solid wine under $20.

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