Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Super Official

From the outside looking in, it looks like a whole lot of wine. We call it research. Too bad it's not tax deductible. That would be pretty awesome. What are the logistics involved in calling yourself a WINE Think Tank? Doing 'research' etc and writing off the expenses involved in such a project? Anyways, here's the lowdown.

2002 Chateau Ste. Michelle Columbia Valley Cabernet ($13.99 at the super secret squirrel spot, you can find it much cheaper probably around for a Hamilton. It was relatively smooth yet slightly hollow. I've had much better Washington State wines then this one. But something different to try and report back on.)

2004 Barnwood '3200 Santa Barbara Cabernet (Neel's dad hooked up 5 bottles of this last year. 3 went down real good, I traded a St. Supery for one bottle and the last bottle went down yesterday night. Not too well, it definitely wasn't what we remembered. Let's hope the one last bottle measures up to the ones in the past.)

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