Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Selecting a Good Year as they relate to Ageing

I dont usually write too many blogs, i usually let my amigo Rich
opinionate on my behalf, but I thought I should offer up some
advice/opinions of my own from time to time.

Rich does most of the heavy lifting when it comes down to individual
wines and such, I tend to keep my blogs more broad based. One blog
that I've been throwing around is selecting a good year and how to age

wines. So here is the breakdown, Napa/CA red wines (mainly cabs) are
very cyclical. I cant really speak on how to pick a good year, but I
can usually do a taste test and have some opinions based on that.
Wines that offer a sweeter taste tend to mature quicker and really get
as good as they are going to get after a certain period of time.
Wines that deliver an even flavor overall with some high notes tend to
do better with age. Peppery wines are usually pretty bad and wont do
well over time either. Then there's that oaky ass wine that Napa is
so famous for. These are the wines to keep your eye on. These are
your Silver Oaks, Caymus Cellars, Cakebeards that you find going for
such high prices everywhere. These are the ones that you can you put
away for a good 10 years and really get the full effect of the wine.
These wines are exactly what Napa is all about.

Most people are thinking, ok that's fine and great, but what years are
good? Well here's a breakdown of years and what i think of them.

2001: An excellent year for their ease of drinkability. These wines
are very even in flavor and offer a very full flavor. Remember, not
all wines from 2001 are going to be good (reference Rich's blog about
our older vintage disasters.) If the wine sucks when you try them,
it's gonna suck after 10 years.

FYI, many people consider the 01's to be an excellent vintage to put
away, lots of 90 point wines ranked in that class.

2002: Similar to the 01's, will do well with age. A little bit spicer
then 01 but still good.

2003: Spicer then the 02's, but still good. I think the 02 is a
better year, and may not do as well over time then the 02's.

2004: Sweeter wine and very even in flavor. I compare it to the 02's
and 01's, but not sure where they will fit in.

2005: Very well balanced wine and even flavor delivery. I also
compare this to the 02's and 01's as well, will be very interesting to
see how the later two years will play out. (editor's note: 2005 looks
to be another great vintage on par with 1997 a California El Nino

In order to figure out what vintages will play out over time, I'm
doing a bench mark on a great bottle of wine: Groth Oakville Cab.
Easily my favorite bottle in the $50 range, and definietly in my top 5
over all. So far I have an 03, 04, and will be picking up an 05 next
time I hit up the Costco. Stay tuned for a report in the next 2-5
years on more thoughts.

Until we drink again.

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