Monday, March 3, 2008

Don't Judge Me.

Yes, I read. Read good. I read books on wine even. Actually I've been reading a lot in general lately. Perhaps its the extra time one has when jobless. granted I probably shouldn't be buying so many books since you know, I'm unemployed but I rationalize it as calling those purchases educational allowances. Anyways, the Judgement of Paris was mentioned on the blog a few times before and how the hiSTORY of it all piqued my interest as it should all those who are getting into wines or like wines for that matter. After a few searches, I found that there was a book written detailing the accounts leading up to the event by the very journalist who covered the tasting in person. A very good read, part storytelling, part history lesson, I may have finished the book in a few days. A definite must read for those into California wines and wine in general. Available on for a cool price of $5.99. Say word!

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