Thursday, April 3, 2008


Malbecs haven't gotten much love from us now or ever. Laurie even posted sometime last year about it without much positivity. We've sh*tted on it in conversation heavily. Tsk Tsk. Is it time to revisit this much forgotten grape used primarily for blending and make amends? Possibly. 

I'd be lying to you if I told you I am not partially swayed by the Robert Parker, Wine Enthusiast, Wine Spectator ratings you see all over the place. That rat bastard is regarded pretty freaking high in the wine world, to the point where his palate is insured, those damn numbers can make or break a wine. That makes him and J-Lo as the only people I know who have body parts insured too bad that dude straight up looks like a savage!!! He may be missing some teeth too, check out his webpage and tell me he doesn't look particularly caveman-ish. Anyways, now I probably won't take his word for any wine over $10 cause I ain't got scratch like that but tell me a sub-$10 wine got a 90+ point rating and I may do the math and check it out. Why not, low risk and isn't trying new wines half the fun anyways? Now there's always the question of whether the rating could sway your taste buds but for the most part ass sweat tastes like ass sweat, or so i'm told.

Now where was I going with this? Ah yes, back to Malbecs, sounds like Maybach almost. So while perusing the aisles at Costco, I'm disenchanted with the over-$10 wines they have as I've probably tried them all already or won't fork over $30 for everyday drinking. Most of the wines you'll see are from Napa but with Napa you will pay for Napa. Like pay for the winery property tax and the high cost of living etc. Now don't get me wrong, Napa is wine country blah blah blah but I think you'd be doing yourself a deservice if you neglected the other countless wine growing regions of the world. I probably would not touch a French wine just cause the labels are encrypted in some crazy ass hieroglyphics, have you seen a bordeaux label???? That shit is hella confusing. 

Again digressing, with a recession around the corner and the US dollar still stronger than the Argentinian Peso, I figure I'd try the Pascual Toso Malbec, it got a 91 point rating and at $7.99 priced nicely for my unemployed ass. Why not? Life is too short to drink the same wines and worst case scenario it would be a $7.99 learning experience. So how was the wine? Good. Better than you'd think a wine priced at $7.99 would be, better than any Malbec you've ever tasted probably. After an hour of airing out, it ended up being medium bodied, smooth, fruity and slightly sweet. Would I drink it again? Without a doubt. Please get past my unspectacular tasting notes as this is a winner, I freaking guarantee it.

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