Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Aftermath

I am happy to appear to be the FIRST! to report on the Norcal/Socal meeting of the wine minds that took place last weekend. First off, I would just like to thank Rich and Neel for making the trip down here with a great supply of wines for us to try. Despite my illness and semi-drunkenness, I do remember tasting six wines - 6th Sense Syrah, Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc, Twenty Bench Cab, Seriously Cab, The Show Cab, and the Washington "chill" Cab which I think was Columbia Crest?

I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the 6th Sense Syrah, despite my initial misgivings. I really don't like those syrahs. However, this one was quite nice. I immediately tasted the spice to it, and it had a nice clean finish. It started to taste bitter to me toward the end, but I think that was my cold coming through to my taste buds.

I just have one word for the Pine Ridge Chenin Blanc: YUMMY!

The Twenty Bench, Seriously, and Show cabs were all very good, but I think my favorite was the Seriously.

Okay, I wasn't a big fan of the "chill" cab from Washington, but it could be that by that point everything was mixing into one big non-identifying taste. I've decided to give the "chill" cab another try one of these days.

After these six, it was on to the Santa Ynez wines that Alex brought, starting with the Foley Pinot, mmmm. Unfortunately, by that time my sickness was dragging me down and it was time for me to go. Sorry I couldn't forge onward guys; looking forward to our next trip.


rkwpark said...

I may have been 'gone' by the time Alex's Foley Pinot rolled out but that was reallllly good. I mean reallllly good. Just imagine how good if i was all there.

in defense of the columbia crest reserve, i think it doesnt hold up against other wines very well, what I mean is that its such a subtle wine that it won't overpower other wines enough to shine.

like a very intellectual person who gets lost in crowds because he'she doesn't speak out but when alone with, that person may be a very nice and interesting person. i think. wait. did that make sense?

cant wait for the next meeting of the minds! hope you are well laurie! how was that cardinal zin?
thanks again danny! and thank alex for bringing some very interesting wines. genki asked about a sweet white wine called brandeur? i think he liked it but wasn't sure which one it was.

til next time.

lauriek said...

The wine that Genki is asking about was from Brander Vineyard (, and I believe it was the Moscato. Their Cuvée Natalie is also excellent. Crisp and fresh, and not as sweet as the Moscato. We'll have to bring some of that up the next time.

Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, which produces Columbia Crest, has signed on to be a sponsor of the theater I work for. They are going to provide all of the wines for our Season Opening Celebration in August. So it looks like I will definitely have another shot at tasting "the quiet" wine.