Tuesday, April 8, 2008

2005 Montes Alpha Cabernet

Straight outta Chile! Getting international on that ass. This was recommended by Neel's dad and I've always been intrigued by it as its usually covered with white tissue paper at Costco. Priced at $14.99, it's something new to try and I'm always down to try something new considering that it seems you can get really good value for your buck by going elsewhere other than California as long as you keep an open mind about what you're trying. This took a good hour of airing out before it started tasting better. Ass out the bottle but give it some air and it turns out to be a medium bodied, slightly sweet and fruity, not very intense but pretty subtle in the way it goes down, smooth, real smooth. Would I pay $14.99 again? That's the million dollar question with any wines, would you pay the money again to drink it again? And I'd say i'm 70/30, while pretty good, it didn't blow my mind enough to warrant another purchase considering it came from Chile and I think the dollar still reigns supreme over the Chilean Peso. As good as a Twenty Bench or a Seriously would be, just how many times can you possibly drink them? Throw in an Australian Shiraz blend here and there, maybe a Malbec or a Chilean Cabernet and things don't get so boring. Come to think of it, I DO recommend this too try at least once. It's not a huge financial risk, recession be damned, worth to try at the very least. Salud.

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