Friday, January 11, 2008

Wine from the Rising Sun

This wine sucked. It may not be entirely representative of wines from Japan but the gold & silver sticker claimed it had won awards at major Japanese wine events. With a name like Chateau Mars how could it have gone so wrong? Granted I still have no idea if it was a Cabernet, Merlot or Malbec. It was red and cost only 1400yen so I tried it. It was red water. The alcohol content must have been 2.8%. It was almost undrinkable but with beer costs in Japan so high, I couldn't let it go to waste. I let it sit. Maybe it would open up with some air. I let it sit in my bag for 4 days. It opened up but just barely, still somewhat undrinkable but whatever. If you ever see it, no matter how tempted you are by the snazzy Japanese kanji and the awards it won, stay the f*ck away. What was I thinking drinking red wine from Japan while in Japan? Should have gone with rice wine, otherwise known as sake or nihonshu to the Japanese. Next time indeed.

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