Friday, January 11, 2008


You can get with this? Or you can get with that!

I love me some sangria. I associate it with Spanish tapas of course, warm summer evenings, friends, great conversations and no cares in the world. Unfortunately, it's one of those drinks you always get at a restaurant or bar, considering just how easy and cheaply it can be made, why not make it at home? The ingredients vary from version to version but usually it'll contain some cheap red wine, some rum or brandy, fresh fruit, orange juice and some carbonated soda. Pretty easy and from what I can tell, it'll last in your fridge for a while. I suppose it can one of those things you can whip up if a particular red wine tastes like ass and you'd rather not drink it.

So where was I going with this? I just wanted to post some pics of tetra-pak sangria from Barcelona. I had the option of choosing one or the other as I was on the verge of going European bankrupt, the exchange rate sucked. Low on the Euro funds, I had to make an executive decision on one or the other. Carrafour vs. Don Simon. 78euro cents vs. 1.15 euros. You know what I chose, and considering the cost and the fact that I drank it room temperature, it wasn't half bad. Too bad the only sangria one can buy these days is from Target I think. Maybe you'll get a post about it in the near future once the weather warms up or better yet get culinary on that ass and make your own batch. Until next time. Salud!

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