Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Remnants

This entry is dedicated to Rich, who has been faithfully posting to this blog while all the rest of us have no doubt still been enjoying wine, but have been too lazy (or drunk) to write anything down.

Today at lunch I opened my mom's refrigerator and saw an open bottle of Maddalena Pinot Grigio (from the San Antonio Winery in L.A. - I gave this bottle to my mom for Christmas, which I think is when it was opened. Not one to shy away from a glass of wine at lunch, I decided to try it. A newly opened bottle of this wine is quite nice. It has a refreshing taste filled with fruit flavors. I'm still trying to perfect this tasting and identifying of the flavors thing, so I'll just include the San Antonio Winery's description of the wine here:

Maddalena Vineyard Pinot Grigio reveals aromas of citrus with hints of wildflowers. The mouth is filled with ripe fruit flavors, including melon and green apples. Bright acidity and mineral notes frame this structured and balanced wine.

I would say that's pretty close, as far as the citrus and fruits are concerned. Not quite sure what wildflowers taste like.

At any rate, the two+ week bottle of opened wine was not as bad as I expected it to be. It was actually still quite refreshing, although I think that the "bright acidity" mentioned in the description above turned into slightly "harsh acidity." But not enough to make it undrinkable.

My only other complaint about this old wine was that it did not leave me with any type of afternoon buzz whatsoever, but then again, I only drank about half a glass.

I'll try to be better about posting. I got a book for Christmas of "unusual" wines, along with what was considered a bottle of an "unusual" wine (Cardinal Zin), and have made a resolution to try and drink every one of the wines listed in the book!

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