Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chardonnay's on a hot summer day

Chardonnay's and Sauvignon Blancs

Recently, i began drinking white wines due to the hot weather, and well, cheap ass prices. (compared to Cab's) I typically drink Chards (Chardonnays) and Sauvignon Blancs. These wine provide a more lighter, sweeter, more refreshing experience to drinking wine. I would recommend that you drink one of these very cold and before a meal. There are some other white wine varieties that people drink, but I dont really drink them, so I dont have much to say about them. But to distintify these two different whites, the Chard is a more flavorful, savory and buttery taste, while the Sauvignon Blanc's are a lot sweater in taste. But be careful! Sometimes you get some that taste like cat piss. Below is a simple list of ones that I have tried and enjoyed. I will go through a more comprehensive review of some of my favorite whites at a later time. Here are some of my picks:
(prices are currnet of BevMo(if they have prices))

BV Chardonnay Carneros '04 - ~16 bucks, good stuff, very sweet
Ch Montelena Chard - any year, very pricey, but tasty
Chalone Chard - good stuff for under 20 bucks
Clou Du Bois Chard- good for under 10 (the reserve for less then 20)
Clou du Val Chard - very good, very popular wine maker, everyone knows them, but you can get better. Around 20
Cakebread- probably the best chard you can drink-if you can find it.
Far Niente Chard- one of the top chards, sooooooo good. about 50 bucks
Franciscan Chard- strudy wine for 15ish bucks
Grigich Hills Chard- very good Chard, probably one of the better wines to come from there
Groth Chard- pretty good, almost like a cab,but a white, if that makes any sense...
Kenwood- pretty good for less then 10 bucks
Sanford Chard- a good wine esp for around 15
Sonoma Cutrer - Excellent wines, probably the best bang for your buck at 25 bucks (lot of bucks though)
Pine Ridge- excellent chards as well.
ZD Chard- Pricey, but tasty

Thats a pretty good list to work off of. I dont have too much experience in white wines, but these are pretty good. So sample some new stuff and let us know what you all think. If you want a good Savignon Blanc, try any one of these brands, and they should be really good as well.

Happy tasting.

1 comment:

lauriek said...

Thanks for this Neel. I've been trying more whites lately too (I think b/c of the weather), but everything I've tasted has been nothing less than nasty.