Tuesday, July 17, 2007

2005 Joseph Phelps Innisfree

A new wine released by the folks over at Joseph Phelps Vineyard? Say word?!?! A 2005 Cabernet Sauvignon? When I first saw it while perusing the aisles at my local Costco, I thought to myself that this must be Joseph Phelp's newest entry into the affordable wine market! Usually, Phelp's wines will hit your pockets for about ~$40, so buying a Phelps wine in the $17-19 would be an awesome look. After going online onto the Phelps website I wasn't able to find much information. Some more google searches and I was able to find that it was made with excess grapes from the Phelps vineyards, the same grapes used for the regular Phelps cabernet as well as the baller Insignia label. Unfortunately, this wine failed to live up to the Phelps standard, lacking in aroma and taste, I must say I was very disappointed. A small gamble to take especially if the wine turned out to be something worth buying in bulk to store away. Onto the next adventure.

*Danny, Laurie, Neel, where you at? Old Chinese proverb say drinking wine improve vitality!*

1 comment:

lauriek said...

I need to drink some wine!