Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Cakebread Cellars

I went wine tasting with family during the long 4th of July Holiday week. The first winery we hit up was Cakebread Cellars, an appointment I made well in advance for my family. Located along the St. Helena Highway, it's one of the first wineries you see before being deluged with a gazillion wineries along the road.

Tastings are by appointment only, you get to keep the wine glass and at $10, must be the best value in all of the Napa Valley. The tasting lasts about 45 minutes and you'll be able to taste about 6-8 different wines. From the delicious chardonnay, the grand reserve chardonnay, the cabernet sauvignon as well as some other wines they have on hand. On this particular day, they also had a merlot, rubiayat and sauvignon blanc, all of which paled in comparison to the other 3 I mentioned earlier. The weekend we went, they had just opened up their new tasting room which allows you to sit down and casually drink and taste while the wine steward waxes poetic about tasting notes, food pairings and restaurants. The rest of the time we strolled the premises, took pictures and relaxes before driving to the next winery.

Again, I can not stree enough at how good of a value this is, we all know that wine tasting can put a pretty dent in your wallet so being able to do a tasting at a very high end winery and that allows you to keep the glass is okay in my book!

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