Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Don't Drink This

While perusing the aisles of Trader Joe's one fine afternoon, I came across a new Black Mountain wine that I had never seen before - a 2005 (I think) Malbec, $4.99. The label promised "notes of violet and plum" and a "pleasing experience." It did taste like plum, but a very sour plum. It was also rather acidic upon first taste, although it did mellow out a bit the longer it sat. Almost thought I had bought a cooking wine, but upon further investigation, apparently it is an Argentinean wine that has experienced "declining popularity" over the last 40 years and is now typically used as a minor blending variety with merlots and cabernets. I think I can see why. I would not recommend it; save your 5 bucks for the Black Mountain "Fat Cat" Cab or a couple bottles of Charles Shaw.

Here is some additional history and background on Malbec:


DanK said...

that stuff is pretty nasty. but now you know!

neel patel said...

word, i remember that mad dog, haha.