Friday, April 13, 2007

Keepin' cheap and simple, and of course, real.

so you want to keep it real as a wine drinker eh?

weather you consider yourself a beginner, novice, or a fellow wine snob, the liberty school cabernet sauvignon is probably the best bang for your buck you will find.

this wine is bottled from grapes found along the CA coast. while they never tell you exactly where, it can go head to head with a lot of the napa mondavi's and bv's that will cost at least double the price. its got a real smooth, rich taste with the right amount of bite and fruit.

im not about to go into the "hints of strawberry" and what not, cuz quite honestly, i can never taste or smell that shit, but i do know what tastes good and what doesnt. i guess thats the "Neel way to drink wine". liberty school has a clean start and finish, very consistant, and coats your tongue very well. you dont really have to know how to drink wine to drink this bottle. if you dont know much about wine but want to drink it, id start out with this one. although, i wouldnt order it if i were at a restaurant, they typically charge you an arm and a leg for most bottles, but thats a another blog for another time.

it will cost you anywhere from 10-15 bucks, but this bottle is usually the one i recommend as an everyday drinking wine - rich and danny can testify to that. the best thing about this wine? it keeps it real by being what it is, not tryin to be something its not. but thats an entirely different subject.

fyi, i know i didnt put the year, because you will mostly find 04's out there with an occasional 03. they might be even into the 05's now. any way, its just about the same thing for this wine.

1 comment:

lauriek said...

I concur...this is a tasty bottle of wine.