Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Danny's request

from Neel:
So as per Danny's request, ive broken down some wines i like below 50 bucks.
I picked out almost only cab, i dont really drink the other stuff, but if you want, i can piont you to a couple of good bottles of other stuff as the time arises...:P I basically went on and used the price as a filter and selected stuff that i like. next time i go to costco (best place to buy wine) i'll compile another list, i usually have to see to remember, haha.

$10 - 20
Liberty School Cab - find it anywhere, cant beat it
Alexander Valley Cab - still young, but will be very good in about a year or so
Chateau St Jean Cab 04' - pretty good stuff
Conn Creek Cab Limited Release 03' - really good stuff, raising star
Estancia Cab 04' - we drank one of these that my dad gave me, like a '97
Franciscan Cab- cant go wrong for under 20
Kenwood Cab '03- cant go wrong
Rodney Strong Cab '03- people really like it, im so-so on it, but its not bad
Simi 04' Alexander Valley
6th Sense Syrah
St Francis Cab' '03

$20 - 30
Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Cab - good stuff esp when its on sale for ~20
Markham Cab 02' - good stuff
Provenance Cab 04' - love this stuff
Sequoia Grove Cab 03'
St Supery Cab '02- good stuff, esp when on sale for ~25
Simi 03' Alexander Valley

$30 - 50
Groth '03, love this stuff one of my favs, esp when you can find it for like 40 bucks
Jordan 02', great stuff as well, same price as groth
Pine Ridge Rutherford 03, great wine
Silverardo Cab, excellent cab
Joseph Phelps Cab, 03 or if you must 04
Simi Landslide Cab
Stags Leap Cellers Artemis
Stags Leap Winieries '03 Cab
Stags Leap Piette Syrah, the only one id drink.
Trefelton Cab, good wine, a little over rated in my opinion, but you can be the judge if you wish. id drink it.
Franciscan Magnificant, you can pick this bad boy up for like 28 bucks at costco.

happy trials, i guess we got ourselves a little wine club going, hahahha.

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