Saturday, September 20, 2008

2006 Fontana Fredda Piemonte Barbera Briccotondo

Robert Parker put this in his Top 100 of 2007 and gave it a 90 point score. Not that someone elses opinion should matter all that much considering our unique palates but it's kind of nice to know that a wine you liked was also enjoyed by a douchebag like Robert Parker.

Besides a few Tuscan wines, a Chianti here and there and the ever so delicious house wine from Bucca de Beppo's, my knowledge of wines from the country shaped like a boot is fairly limited. While the name proves to be a mouthful, this is one wine well worth trying to pronounce.

Medium bodied and fruity. Very pleasant, again my almost heathen ways of trying to express what i've just tasted in my wine makes all these descriptions really similar. To put it bluntly, I would buy this again and drink it again without hesitation.

I made an Italian flank steak and some capellini pasta using the tomatoes from the backyard. Was it a good pairing? Hell if I know, the food was sort of Italian and the wine was Italian, sounds like a pair to me.

Another good value at $10 from Costco.

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