Thursday, June 7, 2007

Storage Solutions

So you got yourself a 2001 Silver Oak, a 2001 Joseph Phelps, maybe even a 2001 Jordan Cabernet... if you're smart you'll hold onto those and let them age. Now the question comes to mind, where to store them? Wine isn't something you leave out, being sensitive to sunlight and temperature changes, you really shouldn't be letting it sit on your kitchen countertop next to the oven.

One way to store them and this is how I do it is use a cooler. A simple igloo ice cooler is all you need. granted it is a pretty pedestrian remedy, it works fairly well, at least I hope. Just make sure to store bottles sideways and tuck the cooler away in a closet someplace cool.

Another way to do it is converting that old mini fridge you had in college into an inexpensive wine cooler. This is what Neel ended up doing and it seems to work well. Just remember to turn it down so it isn't so cold, you don't want to end up with frosty cabernets.

Wine coolers range from your affordable 8-bottle holders to massive industrial sized ones, from $100 to the thousands. Why spend it on that when you can spend it on more wine? Happy ghetto-rigging.

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