Monday, June 30, 2008

The Whip Sippin' On Sizzzurp?

Prince Charles converts his beloved Aston Martin to a green machine... run on English wine

"As part of cutting his carbon footprint, the prince has converted the 38-year-old classic car - a 21st birthday present from the Queen - to run on 100 per cent bioethanol fuel distilled from surplus British wine."

This is some pretty baller shit! Prince Charles is riding dirty indeed!

Anyways, to think our blog was left for dead like those bank-owned foreclosures in Elk Grove, never that!!! Ain't no quick/short sale going on here. Rest assured folks, we have been drinking it the f**k up, it's just that the weather is too dan nice to be couped up indoors letting you know of our libations.

Anyways, we'll get back on the wagon soon enough. Sit tight, big things lay ahead. Maybe.