Monday, December 24, 2007

Buy & Drink in Bulk!

Remember my last post nearly a month ago promising many many posts in the coming days? Well I'm a damn liar and should probably be relegated to drinking nothing but malbecs. Apologies as I'm having a hard time finding an internet connection, the time to blog when i'm not pondering about my future and/or next travel plans.

So here I am the day before christmas with what looks like the last post of 2007. It's been a great year, drank a whole lot of shitty wines but luckily drank a whole lot of great wines too. Visited a bunch of wineries and talked wine with some great people (Danny, Laurie, Neel)!

With that said, drink Clos du Bois. Just the Cabernet Sauvignon. At a cool price of $8.99 at costco, I find it a nice drink to mix in with the regular rotation of players (i.e. Liberty School, 6th Sense, Twenty Bench, etc). You could probably find it for sale at Safeway or Ralph's or at the asian markets too. The wine drinks well, nothing overtly complex, slightly sweet and fruity. They say 2004 is a good year for Napa wines, it wouldn't hurt to stash a bottle away for a few more years to double your investment!

Ok, have a safe and happy holiday. Get a designated driver or crash on someone's couch. I leave you again with more promises to blog often!