Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Render Me Speechless

Has it really been over 2 months since the last post? Rest assured that we have been drinking it up. But before I get into anything else worth the trouble of reading, let me say that the previous post on Twenty Bench is/was pretty gay. I extend my apologies for the outcome of that particular post. As easily as deleting it would be, leaving it would be best as it gives you a pretty good idea of how unpretentious we are. There will be no posts about notes of boysenberry and asparagus and pairings with delicate French cheeses either. Now that I got that off my chest, just know that the Twenty Bench is a really solid wine. I don't know just how I can emphasize that statement. Pick one up and see for yourself.

Be ready for a barrage of posts in the next few days. Once I find a reliable internet connection for my unemployed self, it will be on.

In the meantime you can read about the wikipedia entry about the Judgement of Paris that was also mentioned in a previous blog entry concerning the movie Bottle Shock. Fairly interesting. See you in a few.